I have now reached halfway through my 6-month internship contract with Music for Good as a Project Coordinator and Trainee Evaluator. During this time, I have worked with some fantastic people, had lots of hands-on experience, and learnt more than I could have imagined. As I simultaneously progress through my university degree, I now realise just how great an opportunity this internship is and how blessed I am to be able to work for Music for Good.
Coming into this placement, I felt uncertain of the level of my skill set – I often questioned if the work I was doing was up to the standard required or if I should be doing more. However, within the first few weeks, my mind was put at ease. That is one thing I can not thank Music for Good enough for; the never ending support.
Whether that was additional support to accommodate my dyslexia or checking in on how I felt with my current workload. Everyone at Music for Good who I have met so far has been so welcoming and encouraging.
For most of my internship, I have managed the website and social media accounts, keeping them updated with upcoming events and essential information. This has been highly beneficial and allowed me to develop my interest in graphics and learn primary promotion and advertising knowledge.
Training and skill development have always been at the forefront of this placement. I have had access to multiple training sessions on various topics, including trauma-informed practice, EDI, and safeguarding. This has equipped my understanding of the topics by allowing me to see the correlation between the training and Music for Good’s work.
Currently, I am working alongside Annie with the Cornwall Music Hub (ASONE), coordinating the project ‘Music Hub Ambassadors’. The project highlights the need for Youth Voice in organisations and how young people can engage in projects to develop something that is tailored to young people’s wants and needs. This has been another incredible opportunity to build my graphic and project management skills when working with project partners.
Finally, the Personal Development Reflection (PDR) has been a great halfway marker for my placement because it sparked many valuable conversations on how my work at Music for Good has crossed over with my design degree and how this has opened up possible future career routes that I initially didn’t consider before.
I look forward to learning more about budget management and evaluation methods in the next few months.
Thank you to Youth Music for funding my placement with Music for Good, and I look forward to the rest of what my internship has to offer!